Dilemma is the choice between two equally negative consequences. No one even suffers a “testing story”, where a protagonist believes rightly but the external journey forces him through inner doubt and back into certainty.Īnd there are no true dilemmas. These guys are Jesus with semi-automatics. No sarcastic anti-hero learns to be sacrificial. No one has to rise from screw-up to hero. Rocky needs to go the distance.īut these SEALs are good with family, core, God and country. Modern blockbusters – BIG IDEA movies – are about transformation or redemption.

What’s missing from Act of Valor is the inner journey. Green Zone had both too, and again, Malick’s almost insufferable Thin Red Line has it all and still comes in at 78%. Perhaps the weak acting and cameras out of focus? Yes, but no. However, Terence Malick gets away with this stuff constantly, so we shouldn’t hold it against Act of Valor. These can get you into trouble because they purposefully extort emotions with the audience. No one’s badmouthing US foreign policy, reconsidering the American dream as a lie or blaming Bush.Īh, check for inspirational voice-overs, poetry and funeral scene (complete with not one but TWO folded flag offerings). Though perhaps those scenes are TOO inspirational. It has active protagonists who love their families and serve their country, so check for likeable characters. While Act of Valor has fantastic action sequences (with real bullets!), noble characters and true-to-life, politically-incorrect villains – former Russian scumbags, Jihadi-terrorists and Mexican drug cartels (shocking, just shocking!) - the story is missing something. So, does that mean Hollywood hates SEAL Team, our military, or even the whole US of A? Bourne Identity, 83%.Ĭasino Royale, the twenty-somethingth installment of fictional foreign agent tracking down terrorist funders, in at 94%. Comparatively, Green Zone, Matt Damon’s non-Jason Bourne “America-is-evil”, war on terror actioner, was 53%. As of this post, Act of Valor, the movie about Seal Team 7 tracking down Jihadi-terrorists, has a Rotten Tomato score of 29%.